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4 Signs It’s Time to Move Your ERP to the Cloud


More and more businesses are evaluating the viability of moving their ERP systems to the cloud. Cloud ERP is one approach to enterprise resource planning that makes use of the cloud to provide an organization with more scalable and agile business process functionality.

Did you know that the global research firm Gartner predicts that by 2018, 30 percent of service-centric companies will move most of their ERP to the cloud? Today’s market leaders want better business intelligence, with real-time analytics, especially in industries such as manufacturing where more efficient use of vast amounts of data help operations function with greater efficiency.

Here are four signs maybe the time has come to move your ERP to the cloud:

  • Your On-Premise Legacy ERP System Is Expiring: With the expiration of your legacy ERP on the horizon, you may be considering the cost savings of cloud ERP from an infrastructure and capabilities standpoint. Legacy ERP systems often face challenges when it comes to organizing, analyzing and extracting critical data, as well as issues related to system limitations. Maintenance costs alone to support legacy ERP systems can be substantial – the cloud would eliminate that from your bottom line fast. Plus, replacing an aging ERP infrastructure to support and maintain a legacy ERP solution is just too costly.
  • Better Business Intelligence: Over time, legacy ERP systems encounter difficulties in organizing and extracting critical data, including financials. Cloud-based ERP provides advanced levels of business intelligence allowing companies to pivot in new directions based on data-driven decisions. In fact, according to Forrester Research, more than 70 percent of decision-makers report planned or current initiatives to encourage more data-driven decisions, with innovative data analytics solutions driving transformational decision-making.
  • The Mobility Expectations of Millennials: Your workforce is expanding and you now have millennials in the mix. Millennials work best in the cloud – mobility is their nature. Your millennial workforce expects to work on a business platform that is not hinged to a traditional construct – they want 24/7 access to work applications so they can get address tasks on their smartphones.
  • Going Public? Congratulations, you are growing by leaps and even bigger leaps! You are acquiring smaller enterprises and are in the verge of market expansion. This is a time of risk management, as well as change management – and a flexible, agile and scalable solution is required to keep growth smooth. Cloud ERP provides the flexibility and scalability required to optimize business processes during times of transitional growth.

Read Also: 4 Keys to a Successful Cloud Migration Roadmap

Whether you are ready to move your ERP to the cloud now or not, cloud-based ERP solutions are the future, and even businesses that are comfortable with existing legacy ERP systems are surely monitoring cloud ERP developments. After all, the cloud isn’t going anywhere.

Are you ready to take your ERP to the cloud? We can help you! Contact CompuData today and our cloud ERP specialists will work with you to access your needs – and map out your path to cloud ERP optimization!

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